Our Mission Statement
Shaped by belief in the Resurrection we will engage lost, hurting and broken youth, providing situations for safety, healing and the help they need, while presenting them with the life changing person of Jesus. ​
Our Statement of Faith
✤ We believe in God the Father, maker of all things seen and unseen.
✤ We believe in the Lord Jesus. Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.
✤ We believe that Jesus was crucified, died and was buried.
✤ We believe that Jesus was resurrected three days later. Then ascended into Heaven where he dwells with God the Father.
✤ We believe that all will someday stand before God the Father and give account for their lives.
✤ We believe in the Holy Spirit, illuminator of God.
✤ We believe in the unity of the body of believers as essential for the building of the Kingdom of God.
✤ We believe in the grace and mercy of God that offers forgiveness through Jesus.
✤ We believe in the full bodily resurrection and eternal life.
✤ We believe that scripture is the authoritative word of God and our understanding is enhanced through tradition, reason and experience.

Between the Crowd's Story
During fall of 2012, a group of christian community minded people came together to put their faith into action. They hoped to serve the youth of Lawrence County, Indiana, and share Jesus with them. Nick Mullis became the first Director of Ministries and led the first gatherings and events with a few dedicated volunteers and a group of excited student leaders.
Two years later Between the Crowd would make another move in growth and they hired Dave Adams to begin and lead a Middle School ministry called After the Bell.
In three years, this ministry went from serving one high school to reaching students in both county high schools and all the middle schools.
We have a rich history that we build on as the Holy Spirit leads us forward.